2016 Freightliner M2 106 4×4 Altec 75′ Rear Mount Elevator Flatbed Bucket Truck
2016 Freightliner M2 106
Cummins 6.7l Turbo Diesel
Eaton 6 Speed Transmission
-New Clutch
Odometer reads: 33,790 Miles
WB: 176”
GVWR: 33,000lbs
Air Brakes
Driver/Passenger Bench Seat
A/C + Heat
AM/FM Radio
Cab Cage Protector
Front Bumper 20klb Winch
Utility Bed w/ Storage Boxes
Good Tires all around!
Equipped with the following:
Altec LR760-E70
70’ Platform Height / 75’ Working Height
-Rear Mounted Boom
Single Man Bucket
-Rated for 400lbs
2x Hydraulic Tool Circuit at platform
Boom is insulated for 46kv
Continuous Rotation
4 Outriggers
Upper and Lower Controls
-Lever Lower Controls
-Pistol Grip Upper Controls
Emergency Stop Valve at All Upper and Lower Control Station
Altec Boom was ANSI/Dielectrically Tested!
Truck was Serviced, Greased, and Vehicle Inspected!
2015 Freightliner M2 106 4×4 Terex Rear Mount Elevator Flatbed Bucket Truck
2015 Freightliner M2 106
Cummins 6.7l Turbo Diesel
Eaton 6 Speed Transmission
Odometer reads: 95,219 Miles
WB: 177”
GVWR: 33,000lbs
Locking Differential
Air Brakes
Driver/Passenger Bench Seat
A/C + Heat
AM/FM Radio
Cab Cage Protector
Front Bumper 20klb Winch
14′ 3″Utility Bed w/ Storage Boxes (5′ Center Useable Section)
Good Tires all around!
Equipped with the following:
Terex HI-Ranger 60-70
70’ Platform Height / 75’ Working Height
-Rear Mounted Boom
Single Man Bucket
-Rated for 350lbs
2x Hydraulic Tool Circuit at platform
Boom is insulated for 46kv
Continuous Rotation
4 Outriggers
Upper and Lower Controls
-Lever Lower Controls
-Pistol Grip Upper Controls
Emergency Stop Valve at All Upper and Lower Control Station
Terex Boom will come ANSI/Dielectrically Tested!
Truck will be sold Serviced, Greased, and Vehicle Inspected!
2018 International 4300 Altec Material Handler Bucket Truck
2018 International 4300
Cummins 6.7L Turbo Diesel
Allison Automatic Transmission
Odometer Reads: 64,537 Miles
WB: 193”
GVWR: 33,000lbs
Air Brakes
Trailer Air Hook Up
Pintle Hitch
Bench Seat
A/C + Heat
AM/FM Radio
14′ Utility Service Bed w/ Storage Compartments
Strobe Lights
Good Tires all around!
Equipped with the following:
Rear Capstan Winch
Altec AM55-MH Boom
55’ Platform Height / 60’ Working Height
-Rear Mounted Boom
Two Man Bucket
-Rated for 600lbs
Hydraulic Tool Circuit at platform
Material Handling System
-Rated for 2,000lbs
Boom is insulated for 46kv
Hydraulic Platform Rotation/Tilt
Continuous Rotation
4 Outriggers
Upper and Lower Controls
-Lever Lower Controls
-Pistol Grip Upper Controls
Emergency Stop Valve at All Upper and Lower Control Station
Altec Boom was ANSI/Dielectrically tested!
Truck was Serviced, Greased and Vehicle Inspected!
2016 Ford F550 XL Altec Utility Bucket Truck
2016 Ford F550
6.7L Powerstroke Turbo Diesel
Automatic Transmission
Odometer reads: 118,398 Miles
A/C and Heat
AM/FM radio
Hydraulic Brakes
Bench Seat
18,000 GVWR
Pintle Hitch
9′ Utility Storage Box + 3′ 6″ Rear Bumper Platform
-w/ Material Storage Bins
Strobe Light
Good tires all around!
Equipped with the following:
Altec AT40-G Boom
40’ Platform Height / 45’ Working Height
-Center Mounted Boom
Man a Half Bucket
-Rated for 400lbs
Hydraulic Platform Tilt
Hydraulic Platform Rotation
Hydraulic Tool outlets at bucket
Boom is insulated and rated for 46KV
Continuous Rotation
Upper and Lower Controls
-Lever Lowers
-Pistol Grip Uppers
Emergency Stop Valve at upper and lower controls
Altec Boom was ANSI/Dielectrically tested!
Truck was Serviced, Greased and Vehicle Inspected!
2015 Ford F750 Altec Forestry Bucket Truck
2015 Ford F750
6.7L Cummins ISB Turbo Diesel
6 Speed Transmission
-New Clutch just installed
Odometer reads: 44,225 Miles
PTO Hours: 3,490 Hours
WB: 194”
33,000 GVWR
Hydraulic Brakes
Pintle Hitch
Bench Seat
Cab Brush Guard
Strobe Lights
11’ Chipper Dump Bed
Good Tires all around
Equipped with the following:
Altec LR756 Boom
56’ Platform Height, 61’ Working Height
Double Over Center Boom
Single Man Basket
Rated for 400lbs
Two set of Hydraulic Tool outlets at platform
Boom is insulated and rated for 46kv
Continuous Rotation
2 Outriggers
Upper and Lower Controls
Lever Lowers
Pistol Grip Uppers
Emergency stop valve at Upper and Lower Controls
Altec Boom was ANSI/Dielectrically Tested!
Truck was Serviced, Greased, and Vehicle Inspected!
2013 Ford F750 Altec Forestry Bucket Truck
2013 Ford F750
6.7L Cummins ISB Turbo Diesel
6 Speed Transmission
Odometer reads: 59,901 Miles
PTO Hours: 6,586
WB: 194”
33,000 GVWR
Hydraulic Brakes
Pintle Hitch
Bench Seat
Cab Brush Guard
Strobe Lights
11’ Chipper Dump Bed
Good Tires all around
Equipped with the following:
Altec LR756 Boom
56’ Platform Height, 61’ Working Height
Double Over Center Boom
Single Man Basket
Rated for 400lbs
Two set of Hydraulic Tool outlets at platform
Boom is insulated and rated for 46kv
Continuous Rotation
2 Outriggers
Upper and Lower Controls
Lever Lowers
Pistol Grip Uppers
Emergency stop valve at Upper and Lower Controls
Altec Boom will come ANSI/Dielectrically Tested!
Truck will come Serviced, Greased, and Vehicle Inspected!
2013 Freightliner M2 106 4×4 Terex Rear Mount Flatbed Bucket Truck
2013 Freightliner M2 106
Cummins 6.7L Turbo Diesel
Eaton 6 Speed Transmission
-New Clutch just installed
Odometer reads: 40,095 Miles
WB: 179”
GVWR: 33,000lbs
Locking Differential
Air Brakes
Pintle Hitch
Bench Seat
A/C and Heat
AM/FM Radio
Cab Cage Protector
Front Bumper 20klb Winches
Utility Storage Boxes
Good Tires all around!
Equipped with the following:
Terex XT60 Boom
60’ Platform Height / 65’ Working Height
-Rear Mounted Boom
Single Man Bucket
-Rated for 350lbs
Hydraulic Tool Circuits at platform
Boom is insulated for 46kv
Continuous Rotation
4 Outriggers
Upper and Lower Controls
-Lever Lower Controls
-Pistol Grip Upper Controls
Emergency Stop Valve at All Upper and Lower Control Station
Terex Boom was ANSI/Dielectrically Tested!
Truck was Serviced, Greased, and Vehicle Inspected!
2011 Freightliner M2 106 Altec Elevator Forestry Bucket Truck
2011 Freightliner M2 106
6.7L Cummins ISB Turbo Diesel
6 Speed Transmission
-New Transmission Installed with 1 Year/Unlimited Mile Warranty
Odometer reads: 73,784 Miles
WB: 206”
33,000 GVWR
Hydraulic Brakes
Pintle Hitch
Bench Seat
Cab Brush Guard
Strobe Lights
11’ Chipper Dump Bed
Good Tires all around
Equipped with the following:
Altec LRV60-E70
70’ Platform Height, 75’ Working Height
Double Over Center Boom
Single Man Basket
Rated for 350lbs
Two set of Hydraulic Tool outlets at platform
Boom is insulated and rated for 46kv
Continuous Rotation
2 Outriggers
Upper and Lower Controls
Lever Lowers
Pistol Grip Uppers
Emergency stop valve at Upper and Lower Controls
Altec Boom was ANSI/Dielectrically Tested!
Truck was Serviced, Greased, and Vehicle Inspected!
2011 International 7300 4×4 Altec Rear Mount Elevator Flatbed Bucket Truck
2011 International 7300
MaxxforceDT Turbo Diesel
-New EGR Cooler with 1 year parts warranty through Parts Distributor
-New Injectors w/ 1 year parts warranty through Parts Distributor
Eaton 6 Speed Transmission
Odometer reads: 13,799 Miles
WB: 185”
GVWR: 37,000lbs
Locking Differential
Air Brakes
Driver/Passenger Bench Seat
AM/FM Radio
Cab Cage Protector
Front + Rear Bumper 20klb Winches
Utility Storage Boxes
Good Tires all around!
Equipped with the following:
Altec LRV60-E70
70’ Platform Height / 75’ Working Height
-Rear Mounted Boom
Single Man Bucket
-Rated for 350lbs
1x Hydraulic Tool Circuit at platform
Boom is insulated for 46kv
Continuous Rotation
4 Outriggers
Upper and Lower Controls
-Lever Lower Controls
-Lever Upper Controls
Emergency Stop Valve at All Upper and Lower Control Station
Altec Boom was ANSI/Dielectrically Tested!
Truck was Serviced, Greased, and Vehicle Inspected!
2014 Freightliner M2 106 4×4 Terex Rear Mount Flatbed Bucket Truck
2014 Freightliner M2 106
Cummins 6.7L Turbo Diesel
-New Turbo, DPF and EGR Cooler w/ 1 Year parts warranty
Eaton 6 Speed Transmission
Odometer reads: 60,393 Miles
WB: 179”
GVWR: 33,000lbs
Locking Differential
Air Brakes
Pintle Hitch
Bench Seat
A/C and Heat
AM/FM Radio
Cab Cage Protector
Front + Rear Bumper 20klb Winches
Utility Storage Boxes
Good Tires all around!
Equipped with the following:
Terex XT60 Boom
60’ Platform Height / 65’ Working Height
-Rear Mounted Boom
Single Man Bucket
-Rated for 350lbs
Hydraulic Tool Circuit at platform
Boom is insulated for 46kv
Continuous Rotation
4 Outriggers
Upper and Lower Controls
-Lever Lower Controls
-Pistol Grip Upper Controls
Emergency Stop Valve at All Upper and Lower Control Station
Terex Boom was ANSI/Dielectrically Tested!
Truck was Serviced, Greased, and Vehicle Inspected!
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